Contrat post-doctoral
Appel à candidature
The Department of Art History at the University of Toronto offers a postdoctoral fellowship to graduates from France. The fellowship will be awarded for two years starting in September 2024. The post-doctoral position comes with an annual salary of $ 60,000 all inclusive. The aim of this fellowship is to advance meaningful cross-cultural art historical exchanges between Canada and France and to strengthen national and international cultural ecosystems. The successful post-doctoral fellow will play a critical role in implementing the objectives of this initiative.
The fellow is expected to be in residence in Toronto and will carry on a research project in their own area of French art and visual culture. They will also work with the University of Toronto staff to develop cross-cultural exchanges with French institutions. In particular the fellow:
- will assist in the management of the program of cross-cultural exchanges (Visiting Professorships and the International Doctoral Cluster);
- will promote student exchange opportunities and other connections between France and Canada;
- will help in creating opportunities for Canadian undergraduate, M.A. and Ph.D. students to develop new and deeper ties with scholars and institutions in France.
Applicants must hold a degree from a French university and must have defended their Ph.D. thesis before the start of the fellowship in September 2024 but no more than five years prior to this time. The successful candidate must demonstrate a strong research agenda and have an established record of collaborations with French institutions. The candidate should be fluent in English and French. The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual and gender minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. Engagement as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto is covered by the terms of the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.
Candidates should submit the following documents compiled into a single file to
- Letter of interest;
- Curriculum vitae;
- Project proposal (maximum 2 pages excluding bibliography);
- Research sample (chapter of the Ph.D. thesis) or published contribution;
- Two letters of reference (to be included in the application package);
- 100-word research description;
- 100-word biographical statement.
Complete applications must be submitted by January 1, 2024 to be considered. Questions can be addressed to
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Thomas Cocano (14 novembre 2023). Appel à candidature. Savoirs et pratiques, du Moyen Âge à l’époque contemporaine. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse